At Leawood, we seek to give all of ourselves to God, including our time and financial resources. When we financially give, we trust and worship God in a tangible way. And, with those offerings, Leawood is investing in the needs of our community and sharing God’s love with the world.

Leawood currently has a few ways for you to give financially to the Lord:

1. Worship Services
You can drop your gifts in the offering baskets as they are passed at any of our worship services. Offering envelopes are available on welcome table in the lobby in the back of our sanctuary.

2. Offices
You can also drop off your gifts in the office any time during normal office hours (Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm). Offering envelopes are available at the front desk from our receptionist.


Giving by Credit Card? Click on button above.

Who oversees Leawood Finances? Our finance team is made up of professionals within and outside of our congregation to ensure our financial integrity and give direction to other administrative issues.

Are my gifts tax-deductible? Yes! Leawood is a registered 501(c)3 organization, and all gifts made to existing church funds (ex. General Fund) are tax deductible. The only gifts that are not tax-deductible are any gifts made with restrictions for their use.